Planning FAQ

  • A time management method that divides your day into blocks of time.

  • At the beginning of each week.

  • A time blocking notepad.

  • To get a glance of my entire year as needed.

  • To manage and plan for my business goals.

Budgeting FAQ

  • When your income minus the amount of money spent equals zero.

  • A budgeting system that separates your money into categorized envelopes for each of your planned expenses.

  • Before you begin cash planning, first save an entire month’s worth of bills.

  • Expenses such as bills that cost the same amount on a routine basis.

  • Expenses such as daily spending that can change in cost on a regular basis.

  • Funds formed by periodically setting aside money for debt or savings.

  • Unique challenges that make saving fun!

  • When you get an additional amount of money outside of your regular income.

  • Left over money that you choose to keep or move to a different cash envelope.

  • A5 is approximately 9.25” x 7.25” and is normally used for a planner or budget binder.

    A6 is approximately 7.5” x 5.25” and is normally used for a cash envelope binder.

    A7 is approximately 6.25” x 4.75” and is normally used for a cash envelope wallet.

  • A cash envelope has reached its goal and can be placed in the bank.

  • A card that can be used to replace an amount of money from a cash envelope that has been placed in the bank.

  • At the beginning of each month.

  • At the beginning of each week.

  • Every payday.

  • At the end of each month.

  • When you choose to move an envelope to a different category.